Here we have a miniature donkey. And a kid. This might be a cute combination...except in this case it's not.
The kid decides to tack up the donkey and ride him. Needless to say, he probably weighs as much as the poor little donk. On top of that, he doesn't actually have the right tack.
What does he have? A western saddle pad and cinch. A large pony-sized English saddle and bridle.
So, we have the wrong pad and cinch for the saddle. (I wouldn't worry about the pad, but...) And then we have English tack, too big for the donkey and, on top of that, it's all horse tack. Maybe he doesn't know, but you don't put horse tack on donkeys. They aren't put together the same way. Mule saddles are also different from horse saddles.
Okay, none of that is as bad as making the poor donkey carry his butt in the first place - I can only assume it didn't buck him off because it couldn't, and didn't kick him longear?
I love mini donks, poor thing :(