Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to break your horse to drive...

Put (half of a) harness on.

Lunge for five minutes.
Hook up to cart.

Apparently this is how these people start a driving horse.

It might have been less of a disaster if the harness had fit. Or been complete. But clearly this horse needed more preparation. And because the harness wasn't complete, the horse was able to repeatedly get itself into trouble.

I hope it took them a long time to repair the cart...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


...the best thing to do is just to bail.

Even if it's a long way down.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Sour? Sore? Either way, this racehorse was not about to tolerate running today:

Friday, October 25, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Oh my...

It does seem that I'm posting a disproportionate number of driving crashes; but when things go wrong in harness, they really go wrong.

As this demonstrates.

There was nothing either driver could do. Nothing. Check your equipment is the only take home lesson I can dig out of this one.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I Love... the commentator completely ignores what's going on in the ring.

He just keeps reading his script...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ah, ponies...


I know one that looks very similar...who does that to kids all the time. Ooh! Grass! YANK.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Sometimes horses are just klutzy.


Does anyone else see a reason for him to fall like that? Going looked fine. Tripped over his own hooves...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

So, what use... a miniature horse?

They're only decorative pets right?


(And kudos for the helmet use on the kids - would have liked to see it on the adult handlers too).

The comments, however, say there's some issues with harness fit. I don't know much about driving. Can anyone agree or disagree with that?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dose of Cute

Dachshund: Play with me!
Horse: No.
Dachshund: know I'm adorable.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Is this...

...the best way to back any equine?

I've actually seen worse. Bucking is not unusual behavior for an animal being mounted and ridden for the first time - and although I have little direct experience with burros, I'm told they tend to buck, if anything, more than horses. The squealing and laughter, though? It's not funny.

Now, at least they didn't put a horse saddle on him!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wrong lead....

...wrong lead...

"Is there any trick to getting the correct lead?"

...that wouldn't be it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What is the problem...

...with this picture?

Yes. This is people encouraging and rewarding a horse for escaping from its stall... Okay. The mare can't go anywhere...right now. But what if they have to sell her?

This is not behavior you want...

Monday, October 7, 2013

Anyone Who Jumps...

...should watch this video. Gillian Higgins is an awesome teacher.

Yes, she paints the skeleton on the horse (with harmless non-toxic dye). I wouldn't try it - you need a really good knowledge of equine anatomy!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Poor Little Guy

I know this one's already been circulating (and is two years old),'s like a train wreck that you have to keep watching.

Here we have a miniature donkey. And a kid. This might be a cute combination...except in this case it's not.

The kid decides to tack up the donkey and ride him. Needless to say, he probably weighs as much as the poor little donk. On top of that, he doesn't actually have the right tack.

What does he have? A western saddle pad and cinch. A large pony-sized English saddle and bridle.

So, we have the wrong pad and cinch for the saddle. (I wouldn't worry about the pad, but...) And then we have English tack, too big for the donkey and, on top of that, it's all horse tack. Maybe he doesn't know, but you don't put horse tack on donkeys. They aren't put together the same way. Mule saddles are also different from horse saddles.

Okay, none of that is as bad as making the poor donkey carry his butt in the first place - I can only assume it didn't buck him off because it couldn't, and didn't kick him longear?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bronc riding... a dangerous sport. I have a lot of respect for the guys who do it and for the good stock contractors.

So, let's make it even more dangerous. Somebody has to be first...

As the commentator said...

(I do wish those guys would wear helmets, though).

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How NOT To Fall Off

So, girl trots through field bareback. Horse canters. She falls off, lands on her feet and hangs on to the reins for dear life until the horse stops.

This is...a very classic example of what not to do. First of all, she's not wearing a helmet.

When coming off a horse, especially at speed, you do not attempt to land on your feet. (Yes, I know some mounted games people do it, but their dismounts are entirely voluntary, they practice it for hours AND one of my worst riding injuries ever came from doing that maneuver wrong).

Second, you don't try to keep hold of the horse. Doing so puts you at risk of being trampled. I don't care if your instructor has taught you to do so - mine did. It's still wrong.

In this case, the girl got it all right and nobody was hurt, but that doesn't mean she was doing the right thing.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Velcro Butt

This girl sure as heck has one. She rides through the situation very well. Shame about that innocent jump stand...