Friday, March 30, 2018

More foal cuteness.

Where's mom? Where did I put mom!

Poor little baby.

No, that's not your mom, that's a gelding.

But maybe the gelding knows where mom is?

(Not a very big foal - I think it's gonna be a pony!)

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Aw... foal isn't too keen on halter. (I actually think it's the big tag bothering him).

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Oh, this is...

...just plain fun.

Drill. With minis!

It's harder to do this kind of thing in harness, too.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Today's cuteness?

Mules. Baby mules. They're about a year old, and look at those ears. Especially on the bay one!

Monday, March 26, 2018


Shetland Ponies on the normal race track. And no, none of them run under the rail.

Shame the chestnut can't run in a straight line to save its little pony hooves. He'd have won if he didn't keep swerving!

Friday, March 23, 2018

How embarrassing...

...although I admit I've been there.

"You go ahead. I'll wait here."

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Slow down...

...slow down!

Nice to see a horse enthusiastic about jumping, but this might be a bit tooo fast. If the legs are blurring, they're probably going too fast...

Got away with it, mind.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


...I have no clue what this person is even trying to achieve with their "rescue."

Rope around the neck and then the animal vacates the premises to freedom. They're doing nothing about the rope being tangled around the horse's legs and body.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Oh dear...

...there's so much wrong with this trail ride.

Pelhams with only the lower rein. Yes, I know western bits are like that, but you don't use western bits in the same way. At least one noseband is too low, on the lighter of the two greys. When people use the reins, heads are shooting up, esp. on the pinto.

Speaking of the pinto, the rider is really too big for that horse, or at least too tall. The horse seems fine, though, and I do ride ponies, so...

Not everyone is wearing a helmet.

Oh, and don't hook the reins under the cantle like's not comfortable for the horse.

I'd love to take that gallop, though.

Friday, March 16, 2018


...don't know in what world this is how you deal with a horse...he spooked a teeny tiny bit and she's disengaging his hindquarters into spins and yanking his head around.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Oh dear...

...the race starts well. Starts.

Then a jockey comes off, the horse decides to continue without him until he has an opportunity to leave the premises.

Then another horse decides to run out and jump over the rail instead of the fence.

Oh, that loose horse from earlier is back.

Another jockey comes off. Now two loose horses on the course, acting as hazards to navigation.

We don't see the third one come off.

But...yeah. It's a novice race, I suppose that's their excuse (nobody appears to have been hurt). Commentator has some fun pointing out that most of them can't go in a straight line...

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


...this is one foal who is going to learn not to be afraid of dogs.

At first he's telling the dog to go away. Every time the foal adds pressure, the dog backs off. Pretty quickly, the foal realizes running around with the dog is fun.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Not sure... I feel about this. I think she needs more to hold the saddle in place, but such a good horse.

Friday, March 9, 2018


...this is a great trail ride. Looks like she had a lot of fun...

...but what's with the boots?

I know you're supposed to have heels, but...I wouldn't let anyone get on my horse wearing those!

Thursday, March 8, 2018


...not a fun trail ride. Horse is tense throughout and...yup...disaster happens.

Horse gets nervous, rider gets nervous. Horse wonders why rider is nervous and gets more nervous. And massive horse eating GATOR.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Oh dear...

...somebody is being really gate shy. Apparently this is even this horse's home yard, but there's a lot of wind. (Nice feathers, though!)

I think the rider was nervous and yanky too. That fall "happened" long before it did.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

I know...'s a six up, but they weren't doing anything that hard...

Seriously, not that tight a turn. I have to think there was a malfunction with the carriage... Well trained horses, though.

Monday, March 5, 2018

I know...

...where I'm supposed to go.

I do wonder how many treats it took to get to that point.

Thursday, March 1, 2018