Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Eight horses...

...can be hard to manage sometimes.

I think there's a horse eating monster around somewhere. Certainly those big guys are a wee bit hesitant, but the driver is being very, very patient. From the sound of it, it's pretty windy.

...and then the horses decide they're going somewhere that was clearly not the intent of the driver, scattering attendants in their wake. Not a fun situation at all. The outrider doesn't seem at all happy either.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Working Horses...

I'm not sure this horse is enjoying their job (might be a bit boring), but this is how you do grain separation when all you have for your power is a set of hooves.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Gotta Love...

...the big guys. And the stuff you can get away with with them.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014


Well, that wasn't a serious bite, but...I wonder how well the guy knows that horse.

Actually, it looks a lot like a pony I know who had that habit...

Friday, November 14, 2014

So Many Things...

...wrong with this picture.

One, it's not a "red" or chestnut horse. It's a bay horse.

Friesians have to be black or they cannot be registered. Most Friesians are "self" meaning they neither have nor can carry the agouti gene that makes a horse bay. So, if this horse is bay (the lightning is bad - he could be a very faded black) he is not pure Friesian. He does not look pure Friesian in type to me.

Oh, and he's being ridden with his head strapped to his chest and no engagement of the hindquarters. Ride the right end of the horse, people. Rev that engine. I can also hear my instructor screaming heels down...oh, better yet? She's crooked. I think her stirrups are crooked not her saddle, but...

Not a bad horse, but I doubt he's a Friesian (most likely he's a Friesian Sport Horse - probably a Friesian/TB cross).

She's an instructor, too... instructor who can't, on her website, spell "canter." I wish FHOTD was still around, she'd love this woman...

Thursday, November 13, 2014


...I don't know how they got the horse to do that, but...

That's not a bad piaffe, but the animal is tense, unhappy, and tied to a wall in a yard...I think there are chickens around somewhere.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I love it. Especially the S shield on her hat. The horse seems so relaxed and unlike some reining videos I've seen she's not riding with English contact in a leverage bit...

Monday, November 10, 2014

I think...

...these little guys might just run under the rail if we aren't careful!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Jumping Feathers!

Gorgeous Fell Pony with feathers...



...I think she tripped over her feathers.