Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Oops - Brake Failure!

This is why barrel racers tend to use combo bits.

In this case, it didn't help.

The heavy bits are to stop exactly this from happening. Great run, then see what happens when she goes back in the chute.

On a trained gaming horse like this you don't use the bit much at all...but when you do, you dang well need the brakes to work. (Don't worry, the kid wasn't hurt - I'm guessing somebody took the time to teach her how to fall off properly - and like a proper cowgirl, she got right back on).

Monday, December 30, 2013

I wouldn't...

...put horses to a cart like this.

...let alone mules.

First of all, I know you don't step them over the shaft, but back them in.

And the ass here is the guy in the purplish shirt. You can't pull an equine back by the breeching strap. He keeps messing around behind the mule and then he's dropping the chain, which them allows the right mule to swing away from its partner...that's a butt chain and needs to be hooked up quickly. Finally, the mules have enough and vacate the premises, followed by extremely loud shouts of whoah that aren't going to do any good.

Friday, December 20, 2013

These Kids...

...are great. I have a lot of respect for gymnasts who do their work on something that...

...isn't cantering. That's not a small horse either. (Vaulting people mostly use draft horses because of their even temperaments and steady gaits - I'm pretty sure that's a Belgian).

I couldn't even get ON the way they do, at least not any more.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Riding Through It...

This is somebody having one heck of a time with their horse. The calm male voice is their trainer.

This is "riding through it." This is not giving up. Given what I've been going through with a horse lately, I've been doing a fair bit of "riding through it."

Nice velcro seat, too.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I Needed...

...some adorableness today.

I know a dog that is definitely bigger than that horse!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Loose Horses, Loose Dogs, Idiocy

The horses in this video clearly belong to somebody, so I'm not sure why the hikers were in their field.

With their off leash dog.

The horses, needless to say, took care of the matter.

These horses aren't crazy. They're evicting the annoying humans and their annoying dog from THEIR pasture. At least one of them appears to be a pregnant mare. Oh, and if they'd wanted to kill you, bud, you'd be dead, trust me.

Monday, December 16, 2013


This is a long one. This is a long one. I hesitated before posting it because I wasn't sure I wanted to give this guy the publicity, but...

Once more, it won't embed, so here's the link.


Let's go through the stupid things this person says one by one.

First of all, he starts saying only women wear helmets and only women promote helmet use. That's not true - the instructor who didn't care whether three year olds wore helmets when riding her horses was emphatically lacking in a Y chromosome.

According to him, it is wrong to promote helmet use. It is even wrong to promote helmet use for youth.

Anyone who says a helmet saved their life is an idiot. Because helmets, according to him, cause more accidents. And it's always women, and it's because we're women. Oh, and helmet laws for motorcycles are wrong as well, and he never wears a helmet and is still alive.

Cowboys didn't die from head injuries, according to him? Head injuries from falling off horses were the MOST common cause of death amongst men in the wild west.

Oh, and people wear helmets to look good. Oh, yeah, my cheap every day schooling helmet looks so great.

Helmet wearers are also all insecure. And we don't pay enough attention because we're wearing helmets. We take short cuts. Sigh.

Dressage riders can't "compete" because our horses are all out of control, and he seems to think a full bridle is a torture device. Then again, I know English people who feel the same way about spade bits.

All women are ignorant.

At about 7:50, he stops ranting and gets to his point about idiots walking up to feral/range horses. And the worst part is, he's completely right about what he's saying - but 90% of people aren't going to listen to the seven minute plus sexist rant about helmets and dressage people.

And then he goes back to being sexist. "Let men be men and let women be women."

He hates breeches, too.

I want to challenge this guy...I'll take any horse he has to give me and I'll ride any trail he cares to offer on that horse. In jeans. In western tack.

I'm sure he's a decent horseman, and I am not one of those who goes around saying everyone has to wear a helmet. I think not wearing one is dumb. But his attitude is extremely dangerous.

A helmet is just a tool. So, for that matter is a full bridle or a spade bit, although both should be kept in the hands of people who knew what they were doing.

I'd have given him a lot more "benefit of the doubt" if he wasn't being so sexist.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Trail Riding...

I've done trail breaking. As this guy says, it's not easy - and certainly not as easy as a lot of people want to think.

(Video won't embed): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJjsUKdZDBM

I've watched a few of this guy's videos and I recommend him, even if he is a bit old school western and won't wear a helmet.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

First Time...

...in the cart.

She's really not sure about this. The poster said it's attitude, but it looks pretty typical "confused green horse" to me. No matter how much ground driving she's had, the weight and the sound of the wheels are going to get to her a bit.

Yeah, she definitely tries to get rid of the cart a couple of times. Can't really blame her. Which is why they have somebody in the cart, a different person on the lines and a third person there JUST to watch and jump in if things go wrong.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


...know how to have fun. I love dressage, but why do we have to have a dressage arena, even with freestyle, resemble a very traditional church.

Although I do hope it wasn't too hot in there...

Such a relaxed horse, barely any use of the reins except on the sliding stops. Amazing balance. Good reining...and having so much fun doing it. And the crowd goes wild.

Riding should be fun, even when it's at its most serious.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dose of Cute...

Because I'm in the mood for adorableness, check out the cutest harness race ever. I don't know what the Standardbreds thought of this...


Monday, December 9, 2013

When things go wrong...

...this kid nicely demonstrates that stirrups are, in fact, an "optional extra."

Friday, December 6, 2013

Who's In Charge?


It's not the Draft horse.

The big guy doesn't know what to do. At all.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Don't try...

...this at home.

A demonstration of Grand Prix level freestyle dressage at the Horse of the Year Show at Wembley. In 1988.

Look what he takes off before starting his ride.

I wonder how many modern dressage riders could do this.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Oh dear.

Just found this gem.

Where do I even start? I realize backing a small pony is difficult, but couldn't they have found somebody a little smaller? Somebody's girlfriend, maybe?

The saddle appears to be fitted to a full-sized horse. Somebody's cracking a whip in the background. I also love the use of the fence.

I'm honestly wondering how sober these people are.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

This Halter Is...

...Mine! Mine, I tell you. All mine...

It's a yearling. I suspect he's teething to be that mouthy.

Monday, December 2, 2013

He thinks...

...it's easy.

Proof horse riders really are athletes.

(Although these people need helmets).