Monday, July 29, 2013

A long one.

I have no problems with pleasure classes. In fact, I know a little mare who is perfect - when she's carrying herself in the way that works for her with a rider you can put a spirit level on her neck.

I do have a problem with this:

It's a long video, but you see a lot of horses being yanked in the mouth for absolutely no reason, excessively low head carriage and "bridle lameness" or "rein lameness".

Bridle lameness is caused when a horse is backing off from the bit and tense. Some horses are prone to it even when ridden in a non-abusive manner, but the methods used in a lot of pleasure classes create it.

A pleasure horse should go forward smoothly with a smooth "daisy cutter" gait. The topline should be level with the poll level with or JUST below the withers. The horse should be moving - it's a test of the sort of horse you would take out for a fun trail ride.

Not nearly enough of that here. It's sad, really.

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