Thursday, July 18, 2013

A long time ago...

...I had a problem with my canter seat.

No, this isn't me.

But I rode JUST like this girl. And fell off just like she did more than once.

Yeah. JUST like that. I blame my first instructor for teaching me two-point before canter. Kind of the wrong way around that - did the same thing happen to her?

In college, an international level dressage coach tried and failed to fix it. Nope.

I then had to give up riding for years. Came back. Three different instructors tried and failed to fix it, although at least they put in a real good effort. It was frustrating for all of us.

Went to a dude ranch. Rode with a fantastic cowboy whom I will respect for the rest of my days. Came back.

"What happened? You stopped DOING it."

So, where's a cowboy to help this girl out?

1 comment:

  1. At least she didn't hit the jump standard like another video I almost posted *wince*.
